ambika petunia new chandigarh

ambika queenstown new chandigarh

Uncovering the Soul of Contemporary Living: Ambika Queenstown, New Chandigarh, an Upcoming Township

Ultra Modern Town Coming Soon: AMBIKA QUEENS TOWNThe pulsating rhythms of Indian city life find a grand home in Ambika Queenstown, a luxury housing project located in the heart of New Chandigarh Modern comfort and sophistication, Ambika Queenstown is the future shining beacon in Indian residential architecture. Named as the city of the future, New …

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Petunia | Ambika New Chandigarh

+91 987 7777 860 Petunia | Ambika New Chandigarh Petunia is brush wrote against  the Chandigarh Skyline. A  world class design by a team of  renowned architects with an eye for the exclusive. Its meant to be a luxury of space that’s appreciated only by those who have earned it. An address that invokes a …

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